Planned Giving

What is Planned
Planned giving or bequest giving, refers to the act of making a significant charitable donation through a donor's estate plan. This type of giving allows individuals to support causes they care about after their death, ensuring their philanthropic impact continues.
Planned giving can take various forms, including bequests in a will, beneficiary designations on retirement accounts or life insurance policies, charitable remainder trusts, and other planned gift arrangements. This type of donation often involves legal and financial planning to maximize the benefit to the charity while also considering the donor's financial and family needs.
By including Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) in your will or trust, you are ensuring that children will be able to participate in a Bible-centered organization for decades to come.

Our Features
Naming CEF as a Beneficiary of Your Will or Trust
A common and simple way of supporting CEF is by making a provision in your will or trust.
Your will or trust designates your beneficiaries and spells out your final wishes. The beneficiaries typically include your heirs, of course, but many people include provisions for charitable organizations as well. It is our hope that you will consider including CEF in your plans.
The following suggested language are examples that can be adapted by you and your attorney to meet your specific intentions:
Specific Bequest
A specific bequest names a particular dollar amount to be left to Child Evangelism Fellowship Manasota.
“I give and bequeath to Child Evangelism Fellowship Manasota, a non-profit corporation, Tax ID 59-0837546, with offices at 4141 Desoto Rd., Sarasota, FL 34235, the sum of $ ___________ to be used for the general purposes of the organization.”
Residuary Bequest
A residuary bequest first leaves specific amounts to family members, friends, or other charities, and then designates that all or part of what remains should go to CEF.
“I give and bequeath to Child Evangelism Fellowship Manasota, a non-profit corporation, Tax ID number 59-0837546, with offices at 4141 Desoto Rd., Sarasota, FL 34235, all (or stated percentage of) the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate to be used for the general purposes of the organization.”
Contingent Bequest
A contingent bequest names CEF Manasota to receive part or all of your estate in the event your designated beneficiaries predecease you.
“If any beneficiary named in this will is not living at my decease, then I give and bequeath to Child Evangelism Fellowship Manasota, a non-profit corporation, Tax ID number 59-0837546, with offices at 4141 Desoto Rd., Sarasota, FL 34235, any bequest which said beneficiary would have received if he or she had survived me.”